Craft Careers, Entrepreneurship and Education
Developed by Roberta Comunian and Lauren England, King's College London
Ashton, D., Noonan, C. (2013) Cultural Work and Higher Education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ball, L. (2003). Future directions for employability research in the creative industries. ADM (The Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Arts, Design and Media). York: The Higher Education Academy.
Ball, L., Pollard, E., & Stanley, N. (2010) Creative graduates creative futures. CGCF Higher Education.
Banks, M. (2010) Craft labour and creative industries. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 16(3), 305-321.
Bridgstock, R. (2013) Not a dirty word: Arts entrepreneurship and higher education. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 12 (2-3), 122-137
Carey, C., & Matlay, H. (2007) Entrepreneurs as educators The case of the creative industries in the UK. Industry and Higher Education, 21(6), 435-443.
Crafts Council. (2014a) Studying Craft 2: Data workbook 2. London: Crafts Council.
Crafts Council (2014b) Our Future is in the Making- An education Manifesto for craft and Making. London: Crafts Council
Crafts Council (2014c) Measuring the Craft Economy: Defining and measuring craft: report 3. London: Crafts Council. Available at:
Comunian, R., Faggian, A., & Li, Q. C. (2010). Unrewarded careers in the creative class: The strange case of bohemian graduates. Papers in Regional Science, 89(2), 389-410
Comunian, R., Taylor, C., & Smith, D. N. (2013). The Role of Universities in the Regional Creative Economies of the UK: Hidden Protagonists and the Challenge of Knowledge Transfer. European Planning Studies, 1-21
Dave, D. S., & Evans, M. R. (2001) The CODA National Study: The Impact of Crafts on the National Economy. Center for Business Research, Appalachian State University.
Frenette, A. (2013) Making the intern economy: Role and career challenges of the music industry intern. Work and Occupations, 40(4), 364-397
Gibb, A. (2005) Towards the Entrepreneurial University. Entrepreneurship Education as a lever for change. A Policy Paper for the National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship (NCGE) UK.
Ball, L., Hunt, W., Pollard, E. (2010) Crafting Futures: a study of the early careers of crafts graduates from UK higher education institutions. London: Institute for Employment Studies/ University of the Arts/ Crafts Council
Luckman, S. (2015) Craft and the Creative Economy. Palgrave Macmillan.
NESTA (2014) Fix the pipeline for STEAM talent in the creative economy [online] November 11th 2014. Available from: [Accessed 18th June 2015]
Perez Monclus R., Comunian R. and Wilson N (2015) Rising to the King’s Cultural Challenge Teaching and Learning Cultural Entrepreneurship through a Project-based Competition in Cultural Entrepreneurship in Theory, Pedagogy and Practice, Kuhlke O., Schramme A., Kooyman R. (Eds), Delft: Eburon Academic Press, pp. 292-301
Throsby, D., & Zednik, A. (2011) Multiple job-holding and artistic careers: some empirical evidence. Cultural Trends, 20(1), 9-24.
Wilson, N. and Stokes, D. (2005) Managing creativity and innovation. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 12 (3) pp. 366 - 378
Wilson, N. & Stokes, D. (2006) Entrepreneurship Education: The Road Less Travelled (Working Paper).
Young, D. (2013) Growing your Business: A report on growing micro businesses. London: DBIS
Young, D. (2014) Enterprise for all: The relevance of enterprise in education. London: DBIS
Ball, L. (2003). Future directions for employability research in the creative industries. ADM (The Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Arts, Design and Media). York: The Higher Education Academy.
Ball, L., Pollard, E., & Stanley, N. (2010) Creative graduates creative futures. CGCF Higher Education.
Banks, M. (2010) Craft labour and creative industries. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 16(3), 305-321.
Bridgstock, R. (2013) Not a dirty word: Arts entrepreneurship and higher education. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 12 (2-3), 122-137
Carey, C., & Matlay, H. (2007) Entrepreneurs as educators The case of the creative industries in the UK. Industry and Higher Education, 21(6), 435-443.
Crafts Council. (2014a) Studying Craft 2: Data workbook 2. London: Crafts Council.
Crafts Council (2014b) Our Future is in the Making- An education Manifesto for craft and Making. London: Crafts Council
Crafts Council (2014c) Measuring the Craft Economy: Defining and measuring craft: report 3. London: Crafts Council. Available at:
Comunian, R., Faggian, A., & Li, Q. C. (2010). Unrewarded careers in the creative class: The strange case of bohemian graduates. Papers in Regional Science, 89(2), 389-410
Comunian, R., Taylor, C., & Smith, D. N. (2013). The Role of Universities in the Regional Creative Economies of the UK: Hidden Protagonists and the Challenge of Knowledge Transfer. European Planning Studies, 1-21
Dave, D. S., & Evans, M. R. (2001) The CODA National Study: The Impact of Crafts on the National Economy. Center for Business Research, Appalachian State University.
Frenette, A. (2013) Making the intern economy: Role and career challenges of the music industry intern. Work and Occupations, 40(4), 364-397
Gibb, A. (2005) Towards the Entrepreneurial University. Entrepreneurship Education as a lever for change. A Policy Paper for the National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship (NCGE) UK.
Ball, L., Hunt, W., Pollard, E. (2010) Crafting Futures: a study of the early careers of crafts graduates from UK higher education institutions. London: Institute for Employment Studies/ University of the Arts/ Crafts Council
Luckman, S. (2015) Craft and the Creative Economy. Palgrave Macmillan.
NESTA (2014) Fix the pipeline for STEAM talent in the creative economy [online] November 11th 2014. Available from: [Accessed 18th June 2015]
Perez Monclus R., Comunian R. and Wilson N (2015) Rising to the King’s Cultural Challenge Teaching and Learning Cultural Entrepreneurship through a Project-based Competition in Cultural Entrepreneurship in Theory, Pedagogy and Practice, Kuhlke O., Schramme A., Kooyman R. (Eds), Delft: Eburon Academic Press, pp. 292-301
Throsby, D., & Zednik, A. (2011) Multiple job-holding and artistic careers: some empirical evidence. Cultural Trends, 20(1), 9-24.
Wilson, N. and Stokes, D. (2005) Managing creativity and innovation. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 12 (3) pp. 366 - 378
Wilson, N. & Stokes, D. (2006) Entrepreneurship Education: The Road Less Travelled (Working Paper).
Young, D. (2013) Growing your Business: A report on growing micro businesses. London: DBIS
Young, D. (2014) Enterprise for all: The relevance of enterprise in education. London: DBIS